Brian Shulman of Birmingham, Alabama, is a successful
entrepreneur whose experience dates to 1991 – today, he’s the cofounder of LTS
Education Systems and the cofounder/Managing Director with Princeton Capital
Partners. Brian Shulman is also a former college football star who signed with the NFL, a
published author and a devoted father.
Wondering what the life of a successful entrepreneur like Brian Shulman of Birmingham,
Alabama looks like? In a 2016 interview, he offered a few
“I work out six days a
week with a variety of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), endurance road
biking, free weight training and yoga,” he said. “[I’ve] coached little league baseball, flag football and youth
hockey. I am a huge music fan and have seen Bruce Springsteen [twenty-two]
times and Dave Mathews [nine] times.”
“I love to cook,” Brian Shulman
continued. “My father died of a heart
attack at fifty-three, so when I turned forty I went completely vegan for seven
years but now have added wild caught fish into my diet.”
Mr. Brian Shulman’s healthy hobbies help him maintain a healthy
work/life balance that allows him to achieve the success that he has thus far
in his career.
Ready to learn more about Brian Shulman of Birmingham, Alabama?
Visit for
complete information.